University of Ouagadougou, UFR/Sciences de la Santé

The UFR Health Sciences (UFR/SDS) was created in 1980 and the UFR Life and Heart Sciences (UFR/SVT).
The first one has three branches: courses in medicine with five departments; courses in pharmacy with three departments and health of superior technicians. The faculty prepares doctors, pharmacists, dental surgeons and qualified technicians for hospitals and clinics. The UFR Life and Health Sciences (UFR/SVT) is composed of two sections: the life sciences and earth sciences. The same degrees are delivered as the other faculties.
The UFR/SDS has 11 laboratories. Diplomas delivered are the degree of Doctor State in Medicine, the degree of Doctor State in Pharmacy, the professionalized licence in biomedical analyses, the certificate of special studies in general surgery, obstetrics-gynecology, paediatrics and psychiatry. The UFR Health Sciences has 21 laboratories.