Special Session: National Malaria Control Programs in the ECOWAS Region

The Malaria in Pregnancy Consortium held a special session on malaria in pregnancy (MiP) at the ECOWAS National Control Malaria Managers’ Review Meeting organized by the West Africa
Health Organization (WAHO), 4-7th April 2017 in Lomé, Togo.
The meeting took place in a context where countries are required to prepare their submissions to the Global Funds to fight Aids, Tuberculosis and Malaria for the period 2018-2020, and served to facilitate peer to peer learning and support to countries negotiations with the Global Fund. This meeting was also an opportunity for countries to improve their planning and reach a regional consensus on the implementation of malaria control activities articulated in ECOWAS Regional Strategic plan for malaria control and elimination. You can read the 2016 ECOWAS meeting report here.