Malaria in Pregnancy Consortium and APMEN Meeting

On 10-12 Oct 2017, approximately 110 representatives from 18 malaria endemic countries including malaria researchers in the Asia-Pacific region and elsewhere came together for a 2.5-day meeting in Bali, Indonesia as part of the Asia-Pacific Malaria Elimination Network (APMEN). One full day was dedicated to malaria in pregnancy (MiP) to discuss the results of recent treatment and prevention studies that were completed in the region with potentially policy relevant findings. The meeting consisted of discussions about the burden and treatment (case-management) of malaria in pregnancy in the morning, with 4 presentations followed by a 1 hour break out session to discuss policy implications and then reporting back to plenary before lunch. In the afternoon, the focus was on prevention strategies following the same structure.
For the full conference report can be found here.